Saturday, January 5, 2008

Experimenting with Pavlov

Our adopted cat, Oscar, a dark striped tabby with white feet, and I have been working together on an experiment for several months.

Oscar had been an indoor cat in Manhattan, enjoying apartment life on the tenth floor. We continued to keep him indoors, to protect him from the dangers of suburban living.

Eventually, Oscar discovered the outdoors, and we developed a modus operandi that we could both be happy with. I would let him outdoors for a few minutes, usually accompanying him, and sometimes just "keeping an eye out" for him for a few minutes. To entice and reward him for returning in by himself, we developed the custom of providing a small treat for him upon his return to the kitchen.

This morning, however, our experiment took an unexpected turn. After spending a few minutes outside the front door, (16 degrees F.), smelling of the frozen grass, and whatnot, Oscar quickly re-entered and received his reward.

Upon enjoying his snack, he immediately went to the side door, indicating he wanted to be let out again. Since I had to be in the kitchen anyway, I let him out. Looking out the window, I saw that he instantly wanted to be let back in. He proceeded to the refrigerator and meowed.

As I took his treat out of the fridge, it occurred to me that while Pavlov and I thought we had trained our animals, in a sense, they had trained us.

This well-trained kitty, after eating his second treat of the morning, headed for the side door out once again, but I left the kitchen. Enough of this game!

1 comment:

maura said...

ah! what a funny story!
it sounds like you have trained your cat, and he is onto the game!